• SPAIN +34 93 015 34 43
  • INTERNATIONAL +44 (0) 20 3239 2532


Use of the Website:

At Bed&Jobs we try to keep the information contained on the website both correct and updated. But we do not guarantee in any way the availability, accuracy or reliability of the site or the information, services, products, graphics or links on the site for any other purpose. The use and reliability is the responsibility of the user. Bed&Jobs exonerates from any liability to any information published on this site that could be false, inaccurate, misleading or incomplete. This site contains links to other websites. Bed&Jobs is not responsible for the content of these sites or liability for damage or infringement arising from the content of such websites.

Intellectual Property:

All intellectual property, copyright, design, presentation of this site, the materials and information published in these pages are in Bed&Jobs (except for the material referred to in legal notice). All trademarks reproduced in this site, which we have no license, are attributed to the owner. It allows the user to print or download any page for personal use only and not for commercial purposes. You may not copy or reproduce any material on this website in part or in total. This website contains materia that belongs to Bed&Jobs who is the owner of the license of that page. Such material includes but is not limited to design, web page layout, appearance, structure, images, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited under the copyright rules that constitute part of these terms and conditions. The unauthorized use of this site may lead to legal cause, or injury and criminal proceedings.

Disruption and discontinuity of service:

We strive to provide optimal service to the user of the website without any defect so that the page is usable. However, Bed&Jobs will not be responsible for defects or interruption, (whenever they are outside its competence) that the website service may come up with such as delay, limit, or slowing the process of using the website. Bed&Jobs is not responsible under any circumstances, including loss of profit, opportunity or consequential damages arising as a result of the use or inability to use the page (except in extreme cases of death or personal injury caused by our negligence).

Modification of these conditions:

Bed&Jobs reserves the right to modify or change the location of the website and its contents as prices, programs and contracts, at any time and without notice, these changes will depend on economic factors or monetary value of the moment. In the event that our prices increase without notice after the customer has made a reservation and decide not to terminate the program, the customer has the right to cancel the contract without suffering any repression by the cancellation. You agree not to rely more on law and exempts Bed&Jobs of any future liability, damage, loss or inconvenience caused by rising prices. The user should be notified of the cancellation in writing only via email, fax or certified urgent letter (in this case you should ask for proof of postage) within 10 days of rising prices. Otherwise cancellation will not be accepted. Any change in the program by the user must be notified in writing by a registered letter, email or fax. Program changes on your part may incur additional charges. The monetary refund will be made if you withdraw from the program as non-serious reasons or causes for your stay: no cancellations or substitutions that are unavoidable in some circumstances.

Registration data

In accordance with the Data Protection Act we are committed to respect the privacy of personal information received through the page. Your data will be treated in strict confidence and transferred to third parties only with your consent related to ensuring the service.

Use of personal data collected Bed&Jobs:

Bed&Jobs will use the data collected from users in order to process and maintain contact with the client and not for advertising purposes. Also please note that Bed&Jobs wants to transmit business information and advertising related to any of its lines of business both electronic and conventional. If you are not satisfied with the above treatments please notify us at our Bed&Jobs email address.

Acceptance of these Terms of Use:

Using our website the user gives and accepts the conditions, and notices giving us to understand that you have read everything carefully. By accepting our terms the user enters into a legal contract with Bed&Jobs you can not cancel verbally. We strive to fulfill our commitments providing the best service we can.


The deposit won't be returned as it covers various formalities and costs from the point at which we begin to organize your program. However, despite that any refund will not be paid can be used in the near future if you decide to end the service, initially requested for a period of one year from time of receipt of payment.

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Bed&Jobs es una empresa especializada en Estudiar y Trabajar en Londres, Trabajo en Irlanda, Curso de ingles en Londres, Curso de ingles en Malta.